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Question: What is Ashiatsu Massage?

Ashiatsu is a massage technique using the therapist's bare (and squeaky clean) feet. It is a western version of an ancient form of bodywork, with roots dating back thousands of years from Asia, India, Africa and the Pacific Rim.

Question: Who can benefit from Ashiatsu?

While Ashiatsu is a DEEP massage, the pressure is adjustable and should not discourage you from trying it. I've known many people who didn't like traditional deep tissue work (including myself) because of the sharp and pointy elbows and fingers, but found that Ashiatsu was a more comfortable experience because the feet are a broader tool causing less discomfort . Ashiatsu is popular among athletes, but I like to convey it is really just great for humans doing human things. Because it is famous for hip and back pain relief, and elevated levels of relaxation , most people will reap the benefits of this type of massage therapy. 

Question: What will an Ashiatsu Massage feel like?

Ashiatsu offers broad , deep compression and flowing strokes without any sharp discomfort. It specifically addresses the fascia and connective tissue issues to give you intense pressure and relief from aches, pains and injuries.

Question: Do you only offer Ashiatsu Massage?

No. I offer Prenatal Massage as well as traditional hands-on body work at a moderate pressure to target specific areas you are struggling with if Ashiatsu is not for you. Each session is customizable based on your needs. 


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